Wednesday, August 6, 2014

getting personal // my husband's talent

One of my favorite parts about being married is getting a front row seat to watch Rob discover the talents that the Lord has blessed him with. One of these is definitely his ability to work with his hands to create. He is particularly fascinated with the world of "steam punk", so when our friend Mat gave him the opportunity to turn his old guitar into something new, Rob new exactly what he wanted to do with it. After almost two years of work [progress was delayed with things like a wedding and several moves], he unveiled what I think is nothing short of a work of art.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

wedding photography // dusty and irene

 I was given the opportunity to photograph my first wedding in April, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience! Dusty and Irene were so easy going and relaxed throughout the entire day. I loved watching their family and friends celebrate this awesome couple. I hope these photographs can even partially portray what a great day it was...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

nature photography // peach roses

It feels like it's been forever since I photographed a floral arrangement, and I forgot how much joy it gives me. These beauties are from an arrangement my mom put together for my graduation party this past weekend. I just love their peach color next to the royal blue garden stool!